Monday, January 17, 2011

We are all the same in the waiting room of the Veterinarian

A single older lady shaped like a Buddha had a very quiet black cat in a carrier perched on her plump knee. Another tiny woman with darting eyes and an easy smile had a Dachshund chiwawa cross dog waiting to get a blood test. Also gracing the waiting room was a large Mexican family with a 10 month old bull dog in a pink fur lined vest.

There was myself and Hubby with our poodle in his red racing jacket and following us in to X- Ray his giant boxer a tallish man and his son. An elderly gentleman straggled in with his chiwawa straining against the leash. We were a motley crew. All ages, colors, temperaments and lifestyles mixed and filtered in together for one reason. We all worshiped our pets.

Goblin the cat was in to check her stitches. She had been mauled by a dog. The big boxer had a bone fragment that they were having trouble finding a way to remove. I saw the Boxer's owner, a grown man, tear up at the news. The bulldog puppy in pink was whimpering with such heartbreak that all other dogs in the waiting room would whimper back in distress and sympathy.

Even my poodle was shaking with nerves at this whole sad party of pets and their minions.

The black cat was 18 years old. Another woman with a cat mentioned that she had been adopted by the cat. Isn't that how it is. We are chosen by our animal companions. Sure, we think that we are choosing them to live in our world, but the reality is that we are the ones who  live in their world.

I was informed by the Vet that my 8 year old poodle would have live on a diet of Hydrolyzed protein the rest of his fuzzy life. Probably have to dose him with Benadryl forever too. My husband and I have pretty much sacrificed every weekend off to take that poodle to the Vet for a couple of months now.

We are just like every teary eyed pet owner in the waiting room. Our world stopped when the pet got sick. I attribute it to  humanity having the infinite capacity to love. We have so much love that it spills over and encompasses animals and plants too. It is the need that we have, the emotional make up we have encoded in our souls that says," I choose you to be in my family. I will love you."


  1. I will love you.

    I love that. I love that as humans we can choose love.

  2. one dog is diabetic
    one dog seems to have kidney stones now, *sigh
    kind of cramps my style these days
    can't stand the thought of giving them away tho
    understanding my pets better
    has allowed me to understand myself better

