Friday, January 14, 2011

It isn't junk food if you make it from scratch

I like pizza very much. French fries sometimes haunt my dreams. My compromise with the fact that most would consider these items to be junk food is that I make them myself. At least I can control the ingredients like using organic unbleached flour for the crust and low salt cheese and loads of veggies on the pizza.

Before you start to feel defensive, just know that I do buy and eat junk food. I'm not a militant foodie or anything. When you really want to eat comfort food as often as I do you try and soften the blow by making it.

I make fries using olive oil. That probably doesn't really make much of a difference but it makes me feel better. It eases the guilt. Trust me I have great food guilt to draw on. For instance, I eat real butter. To feel less guilty about it I buy unsalted butter. Recently I saw on TV that margarine is bad for you. I laughed my ass off. That happens a lot. Not the laughing part but hearing that something that was supposed to be fabulous for you turns out to be absolute crap.

Remember when eggs were decreed to be evil? Apparently they are good for you. Hah. I knew it. My favorite is the new information about how great cheese is for calcium and bone health. Those damn health Nazis have been trying to keep us all away from lovely cheese for decades!

My latest project is to make my own apple pie from scratch. Peeling apples is really tedious. By the time I am done with crafting a decent crust, peeling and seasoning apples and finally crouching in front of the oven viewing window like some weirdo pie stalker, I am exhausted. I guess I eat less because I'm spending more time in my recovery nap mode.

Now, if there was a way to make spray can cheese from scratch...

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