Friday, January 21, 2011

Confessions of a Travian Addict

Like any addiction it started out as a little fun experimenting. I clicked out of curiosity and then got completely sucked into the free online game lifestyle. Let me be a warning to those who think they can dabble in a little online diversion. Chat forums are just a gateway drug to online gaming!

Now I go to sleep thinking about my strategy for the next morning. I message my online buddies to coordinate attacks and defenses. I message my enemies trying to negotiate tributes instead of full frontal attacks. My husband calls me to say hi and I shriek " I'm being raided by Romans!" He is very sympathetic.

I did my first raid today and killed my troop in the process. I'm beginning to suspect that I may need to join a nerd 12 step. My god, I'm still in my pajamas and it is lunch time. There is no time to do laundry I have to upgrade my iron mines!

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