Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Maiden Post- Losing my blog virginity

Not since I opened a My space account for the first time with trembling hands and an excitement akin to a first date have I felt so vulnerable and thrilled. OK, not thrilled but a little nervous. That first blog you put out there is like your first impression.

Will they like me?
Will I seem cool and relevant? (Have I ever been cool and relevant?)

There is a lot of self induced pressure for a first blog post. Barring any massive Internet hack and deletion, the Internet blog is forever. It becomes the record of your electronic life that is out there and chiseled in Internet stone. This used to worry me a little.

Then one day as I was posting on a favorite website I googled some facts that I needed on an subject and I got me!  I mean, I googled up a quote I had written about two years previous. I found this hilarious. My only real fact to back up what I was writing about

While my ideals, goals and attitude have changed I did still find my own writing entertaining. I suspect I'll continue to change and evolve, even contradict myself until the day they put the toe tag on me. As long as I am funny and entertaining to myself I feel it is a worthy goal to document it.

I'm a rambler. I write like I think, much like a moth hopped up on espresso. Although I have never been formally diagnosed with ADHD, I feel a certain sympathy for the condition. I loath blogs that are mean. I don't want to be that blogger. I like funny, to the point and even a little painless information. When I'm feeling saucy I like to throw in a little gut wrenching stuff just to give a heartbreak sorbet in the middle of more funny scribbling.

So, there you have it. Thank you for being a part of my blogging deflowering.


  1. thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, which led me here! i love reading the first posts of blogs. even when someone has been blogging for years, i like to go back and read their inaugural post. i love yours. thoughtful and aware. I wish I had had more of a sense of what I was embarking on when i wrote my first post. At the time, i thought i was writing solely for myself, and didn't really anticipate anyone would actually join my journey. it is an exhilarating ride, with all sorts of fellow travelers I have come to love dearly. i am happy to meet you here.

  2. Hi Angella,

    It is so nice to know you have been heard over the Internet. I like your style and I'll be following your posts with anticipation.
