Thursday, January 13, 2011

UFOs are overrated

Waiting for aliens from outer space to come and contact the human race has been a real disappointment for me. A couple of years ago a woman who claimed to have a channeled message from our space brothers said they would arrive on a certain date and over a certain area in their mother ships. She had a huge following. She sold a lot of books too. I secretly wanted her to be right.

I will admit that I was first in line to make fun of her when the aliens were a no show ( Not to her face, just online among my Internet buddies.) I felt sad for her too. It had to be worse than being left at the altar. Her alien space brothers lied to her and didn't show up. That sucks. She made a day after video and looked absolutely devastated.

I just don't believe the hype anymore and that is sad. The magic is gone. I watch UFO documentaries and snort in critical disgust. When I was a kid I was enchanted by the pictures of the Nazca Lines. I thought crop circles were interplanetary love notes from aliens. Not anymore.

Nobody discusses the idea that the Nazca lines might be just a bunch of local graffiti created by ancient drunken frat boys. Maybe I'm just bitter. How come all the UFO footage sucks so bad? Why do videos of alien craft look like the camera man had palsy? Anal probes, really, you can fly across space and time and all you brought was an anal probe?!

Where are the polite aliens from space? How come they don't show up and bring cookies or a potted plant?

So many of the popular conspiracy theorists rant about how the government is covering it all up. They say that the powers that be are hiding reams of evidence from the public to prevent all out panic. I wish the government was that well organized. have you ever been to the Department of Motor Vehicle.

There's my conspiracy theory right there. The space aliens landed and registered at the DMV, never to be heard from again...

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