Friday, January 14, 2011

Adventures in Remodeling

For those of us that are addicted to home improvement shows the best return on your investment is in remodeling kitchens and bathrooms. I submit that the most popular reasons that people move out is because they hate their kitchens and their bathrooms are a nightmare.

When we bought our home it was old. It wasn't vintage or quaint, just old. There were poorly disguised holes in the walls where once there had been intercoms. ( High tech back in the 70's.) The plumbing was iffy and it got replaced. There had been updates done cosmetically in the 80's. All of which I removed and re painted.

This is the year, after so many years of little fixes, that the bathrooms get a face lift! * Does a domestic goddess happy dance up and down the hallway!* I'm not a total bum. I did scrape the linoleum flooring and put in new sticky lino tiles, as well as install some new toilets. We aren't animals. I know how to use a caulking gun.

This is the year we gut the old leaky pipes,install ceramic tile instead of linoleum and replace the cabinets and mirrors that have been showing every inch of their 38 years of heavy use. Under mount sinks with granite counter tops Baby!

I am so ready for this. I have used Lime Away to dissolve the perennial rust stains. I have blended porcelain paint to disguise the corroding drain holes. I even painted the battle scarred laminate counter tops with epoxy paint in an effort to fight the ravages of time. I want that new bathroom experience. I want it like some women want a European vacation or a passionate romance. ( For the record I want those too but I want a new bathroom so much more.)

I have a spiritual theory why bathrooms are so important to a home buyer or home owner. The bathroom is your altar, your self shrine. It is the place where you are cleansed from the sins of your life and transformed clean and shiny to a better version of you. That just doesn't happen if you have crappy lighting, leaky pipes and a decaying vanity mirror.

I have to go now as the contractor is here to measure the bathroom dimentions...

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