Monday, January 16, 2012

Mid Winter Still Gardening

Some people are blessed with really mild temperate weather and can garden all year. Normally that isn't the case in Oklahoma. I have a 3mil piece of plastic draped over a cage made of chicken wire that is held in place with bricks at the bottom and clothes pins near the top. In it I am still growing and harvesting lettuce. My ghetto green house is so fun. I even have a few shy radishes coming up in it the relative warmth of the plastic covered "cold frame."

Hidden under a few inches of pine needles I have leeks and garlic. The sage and parsley is still hanging tough too. If I had known that the Winter was going to be so mild I would have planted more! However, the whiplash temperatures and wild changeable jet stream may foil me yet.

The Farmer's Almanac is predicting ice storms in my future. Yikes.

The final wonder is actually in the sun-room. A single triumphant bell pepper plant, complete with bell pepper is growing in it's own personal eternal Summer. I fawn over it constantly. It is fun to have something fruiting now. It feeds my nurturing personality to have something to grow and look after. Likewise, I grieve when a plant finally withers and dies. For now I have lettuce fresh from the garden and soon a single bell pepper to munch.

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