Tuesday, April 26, 2011

OCD and me

I'm insane. Just a little. Not Charlie Sheen weapons grade crazy but enough that I notice other people are really...together. I arrange the clothes in the closet by color. Specifically rainbow pattern.White, red, orange yellow, green .blue, violet, grey and black at the end.

It's a great disorder to have when you work in retail. When I worked in a clothing store I arranged the clothing so nicely. Still do it. I have to fight the urge not to arrange when I am shopping at Target. Target, what a nightmare. Crack monkeys would do a better job of straighting the racks. Why people are such slobs in the clothing racks it a mystery to me. Really?! Do they live like that at home? Respect the merchandise. I think it is a chick thing.

I have never been in an automotive store and found it messy, never. Sometimes the mens department in the big stores gets mussed , but nothing like the disaster that you find in the ladies area. What is up with that? Shoes too. Mens shoes are like tidy rows of little soldiers. Womens show isle, like crack whores after the party.

My only defense as to why I do what I do is that at least in some small part of my world I feel like I have control. Everything else may be beyond my ability to manage and guide, but the clothes in my closet are serenely organized.

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