Thursday, April 14, 2011

Chaos, and other feelings about remodeling

The sleeping poodle under my bed awoke with a start. First banging his head on the supports and then barking in maniacal abandon at the door bell. The contractors were early. A day early in fact. No matter, When you want to have your bathrooms updated you surrender to anything just to get it finished.

"Good Morning! You just get up? Har,har har!" They stomp past me with their big boots in a cloud of cigarette smoke to attack the next phase of tiling.

I find a cup of tea and try to piece myself together as the day unfolds with banging and grinding of saws and alternate billows of gypsum dust  that come swirling down the hall way. I pause to wonder why the poodle adores these men. He fawns on them and grins a big doggy grin at them as they toil.

I walk passed the bent forms of contractors who are grouting away and try to avert my eyes at the twin ass cracks that smile up at me. This is my life and my landscape until the floors are done...

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