Thursday, February 3, 2011

Remodel Disillusion Phase

Where's my contractor! I should know better. I've seen this show before. I've read the horror stories. In the back of my mind I wonder if he just took the first check and has been E-mailing us from Vegas in a drunken stupor.

OK, I know it isn't that bad but I'm so impatient. It isn't the contractor's fault that we have a snowicain bizzaster. I have learned several new weather terms this last snow storm. Oh, but it isn't just a snow storm. We had a ground blizzard. We had wind chill factors that started with the adjective ugly. " An ugly -14, an ugly drifting snow, an ugly snowicain." My favorite is Snizzle. ( Snow/sleet/drizzle.) Good Lord.

Before I really freak out I need to embrace reality and know that the side streets are still impassable. Still, I wants my remodel. I wants it now.( *Gollem voice*) I may have to wait even longer now that another snowicain is queuing up to descend on Oklahoma.

I realize this is going to take time. I just want something concrete for the money we already ponied up. Ya know?

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