Monday, February 14, 2011

Confusing Love Messages

I adore Sweethearts candies. It is such a wonderful nostalgic feeling to tear open a familiar pink box of heart shaped candies. I really like to read the little love notes printed on them. The candies themselves aren't really yummy. Kind of reminiscent of dried toothpaste and grannies dinner mints really.

This year I tore open a box and found a few new sayings. " Friend Me" I guess it is a sign of the times. Net speak is pretty popular for Sweetheart logos." UR IT" Reading them made me feel kind of old. At least they taste better than I remember. They used to taste like chalk with powdered sugar.

I still like them. They evoke feelings of pure childlike tenderness and the untarnished belief in true love. Sadly, my box of candies reflected real life and like reality there were a few candies that had vague messages. Either the machine had missed the candy heart and printed just half a message or they were blurred out completely." ME" I guess that would be the narcissistic candy message.

I would like to invent a box of candy hearts that were funny. " Whatever" " U will Pay" " Mistake"" WHY"
I will buy them again next year and every Valentines after that because I still like to capture the flavour and sweetness of my childhood. I wish all of you Love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Penis Donor

last night it was reported in the news a man was killed in an auto accident. It was not unusual that he was an organ donor. Many people are nowadays. It was unusual that all he requested donated was his penis. Yes, I laughed a little too, go ahead get it out of your system.

I wondered if that was the only part of himself that he wanted to live on. Was it because it was such a wonderful penis or because he never got a chance to use it? Who really wants a high mileage penis anyway?

I guess if you don't have one and you really, really need one it wouldn't matter if it was high mileage or not. I wondered also how long the wait list was for a slightly used penis.

There are some religions that believe if you have all your parts then you will be reincarnated. However, if you were missing parts then you would be coming back without them.If the ancient Egyptians were right on this deal that fellow would be coming back a eunuch. Think of all the folks that would come back just piles of ashes.

I have it as my final request that my body be donated to medical science. I believe in recycling all the way! I live a pretty clean life and hopefully my skin will be the skin for a burn victim, my eyes will help someone see the world and my bones be the skeleton for someone to be strong with.All of it. All of what once contained my soul is good to be used for any who need it after I'm toast.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Remodel Disillusion Phase

Where's my contractor! I should know better. I've seen this show before. I've read the horror stories. In the back of my mind I wonder if he just took the first check and has been E-mailing us from Vegas in a drunken stupor.

OK, I know it isn't that bad but I'm so impatient. It isn't the contractor's fault that we have a snowicain bizzaster. I have learned several new weather terms this last snow storm. Oh, but it isn't just a snow storm. We had a ground blizzard. We had wind chill factors that started with the adjective ugly. " An ugly -14, an ugly drifting snow, an ugly snowicain." My favorite is Snizzle. ( Snow/sleet/drizzle.) Good Lord.

Before I really freak out I need to embrace reality and know that the side streets are still impassable. Still, I wants my remodel. I wants it now.( *Gollem voice*) I may have to wait even longer now that another snowicain is queuing up to descend on Oklahoma.

I realize this is going to take time. I just want something concrete for the money we already ponied up. Ya know?